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A Hot Bottom! Page 5

  MaryJane’s blue eyes opened wide and she said, “Oh no… Matt, it wasn’t like that! Lori only agreed to speak to me because I begged her to listen… and I got upset and ran home, and she came after me because she couldn’t bear to see me hurting so much. You can’t punish her for that! It would be so unfair!” she declared.

  “Lori, we are going to leave right now.”

  Lori could see her husband was very upset with her, and she didn’t argue. She did give MaryJane a hug, and then hurried along with Matthew.

  MaryJane looked after them and then said, “I got her in trouble, didn’t I?”

  “No… Miss Lori got herself in trouble, and I suspect she knew what she was doing. Don’t you worry, Matt will come around when he knows you are sincere about changing, sugar.”

  “I surely hope so. I miss Lori,” she admitted. “Guess what? Mrs. Gillis was so pleased with my work that she recommended me to Mrs. Cooper, and I’m going to help her one day a week. She says she is too old to do all of the polishing and cleaning that needs doing. Isn’t that wonderful? I will be earning some money.”

  “That’s great,” Ned agreed. MaryJane was making every effort to mend her manners and he was proud of her. Once she grew up a bit more, she would make a good wife.


  “I can’t believe you disobeyed me, Lori. Especially after you promised you wouldn’t see MaryJane again.” He was driving the buggy, and Lori was seated beside him. Matt had tied his horse to the back.

  “Yes, Matthew, I did disobey you,” she agreed, “and I knew you would spank me for it.”

  “Oh, you can bet you’re going to get a hot bottom,” he nodded in agreement. “A bottom so hot you won’t want to sit down for a long time.”

  “Will you at least let me explain why I chose to disobey you, husband?” Lori asked tearfully.

  “I’ll listen, but I guarantee it isn’t going to change one darn thing.”

  “MaryJane’s eyes were so sad, and I just couldn’t be rude when she asked to speak to me. I said we could sit outside on a bench… I had no intention of going to her house at that time, and I just wanted her to say what she needed to say, and it would be done and I could finish shopping. I truly thought the Sheriff ordered her to apologize, and I didn’t want to make it difficult for her.”

  “Did he?”

  “No, it was all her idea. She told me how sorry she was…”

  Matthew listened as Lori repeated word for word what MaryJane said about her Mother leaving her alone when she was only sixteen, and he shook his head in disgust. How could a Mother choose one child over another? It was cruel, and he could understand why MaryJane would feel bitter. When Lori explained about MaryJane bursting into tears and running for home, he could picture his wife going after her. Lori was sensitive and caring, and in spite of the way she was hurt, she still cared about MaryJane. Enough to disobey him…

  “I can’t help but feel sorry for her, Matthew. She needs me right now. I do believe she is trying to change, and I want to forgive her and give her another chance.”

  Matthew looked at her and sighed. “I don’t want to see you hurt again, honey.”

  “I know you don’t, and I don’t want to be hurt… but it hurts me even more to see MaryJane so unhappy. Please, Matthew…?” she begged of him.

  “We’ll take it slow with her,” he agreed. “I could see she was sincere today, but how long will it last?”

  “Maybe with us helping her it will last forever,” Lori smiled happily.

  Matt didn’t argue. He had a decision to make, and since they would be home soon he didn’t have long to make it. He’d already ruled out using the leather strap. He simply couldn’t be that severe with Lori when her heart was involved in disobeying him. But, did she really deserve a hot bottom?

  Lori was nervous as she put away the things she bought. Matthew was tending the horse and she knew he would be inside soon, and hungry. She quickly fixed a lunch for them, and if Matthew was surprised, he didn’t let on. He washed up and sat down and ate. “This is really good for as fast as you put it together,” he said truthfully. “You take good care of me, Lori.”

  “I like taking care of you. I’m just sorry you didn’t get to finish in the barn today because that pitchfork broke. I would have picked one up if I’d known…”

  “Too bad I couldn’t give you a holler some way to let you know,” he agreed.

  “Matthew, could we please get my spanking over with now instead of waiting until tonight? I’m nervous and waiting will just make it worse.”

  “You aren’t going to ask me to let you off?” Matt asked.

  “No. I know I disobeyed you, and I don’t expect to be let off for doing that. I broke your trust, and even if the reason was good, I broke my promise… and that is a bad thing to start doing. I’d rather have a hot bottom than the guilt,” she answered honestly.

  “Very well.” He pushed back his chair and then said, “You come over here, Mrs. Johnson, and put your bottom right over my lap.”

  “I have my drawers on,” she looked at him in surprise.

  “I should hope so since you went to town!” his dark eyes teased. “Come over my lap, Lori, right now.”

  Lori did as he said and braced herself. The spanking started over her skirts, and Lori couldn’t help squirming. She felt every last smack and she knew that Matthew was doing his best to make his point. He spanked for several long minutes, and Lori actually had tears in her eyes when he stopped.

  “Pull up your skirts, wife, and show me obedience.”

  Lori thought it embarrassing to do as he ordered, but she did. It made her feel so vulnerable to have her drawers on display even though Matthew had seen her drawers many times since they married.

  The spanking continued, and Lori gasped. Matthew’s hand was stinging, and he continued to scold her and remind her that a wife’s duty was to obey. He made her repeat that, and then, when she thought her poor bottom was going to ignite, he stopped. “What do I expect of you, wife?”

  “Obedience,” she answered.

  “Will you obey me from now on, even when you do not wish to obey?”

  “Yes, sir,” she agreed, praying the answer would end her punishment. She needed cold, wet towels to apply to her backside, and soon!

  “Very well. You may rise and take off your drawers and bring me something to finish spanking your bare bottom.”

  “What do you wish me to bring you?” Lori asked tearfully as she tried to stand.

  Matthew helped her to her feet, and watched as she removed her drawers right away. Her face was a bright red, and he could see that she was feeling punished. He wasn’t spanking that hard, and the lesson was still being taught. “You will bring me something that will impart a good lesson, wife. I expect you to make a decision and return within five minutes. If you are late, I will fetch the leather strap from upstairs and give you another long lesson and then you will try again.”

  Lori’s eyes went wide at the mention of the strap he’d made for serious punishments and he knew she would not choose it. He wouldn’t either, if he was her. And, he hoped she returned quickly and did not put him to the test. He didn’t want to be harsh with her. Thankfully, Lori returned fairly quickly and he was surprised to see a rug beater in her hands.

  “Have you ever been spanked with one of these?” he asked curiously.

  “No, sir,” she replied. “One of the girls at school disobeyed her Mama and went swimming with us one day after being told she was needed at home right after school. Her mother used one of these on her… and she said it really hurt. It was all I could think of,” Lori confessed.

  “It will do,” Matthew told her and then said, “You will need to bend over and put your hands on the seat of the chair. Spread your legs apart, and stay in place. I do not want you to reach back because I don’t want to break a finger.” He hated the fact she’d picked a rug beater. It was designed to smack dust and dirt out of heavy carpets and it was going to h
urt like crazy on her bare fanny, especially since he’d done a fair job of spanking her already. He would only give her a couple… and if that didn’t seem like enough, he would get a wooden spoon from the door. Next time he would make the choice himself.

  Lori was frightened, but she wanted to prove to Matthew that she was sorry for disobeying him. She wasn’t sorry for going after MaryJane, but she WAS sorry it meant disobeying her husband after she promised him obedience. She’d known he would punish her, and she was going to take her punishment without fussing, no matter how much it hurt. She owed that to Matthew. The first stroke of the rug beater caught her by surprise and she gasped in pain. “Ohhhhhh! Ouch!” she cried out, stunned. The second was just as bad, and she wanted to ask for mercy! “It’s awful, Matthew! I had NO idea it would hurt so much!”

  Matthew nodded. “You stay right where you are, young lady.” He walked over to the drawer and took out a wooden spoon. “I think a rug beater too harsh, but this wooden spoon is much better and will do a thorough job of getting your attention.”

  Lori had to admit her husband was right. The wooden spoon left her bottom burning even more and when Matthew finally stopped, she was positive she would try harder to obey him. To her surprise, he opened his arms to her and offered her comfort and Lori went right to him, thankful he wanted to hold her. His arms made her feel safe and secure, and loved.

  Later that night he made love to her, and let her feel his love in another, even more intimate manner, and Lori was positive their son was conceived that night. Before falling asleep in his arms, Matthew said, “I think you have a big heart, wife, and I hope MaryJane knows how lucky she is to have you for a friend.”


  MaryJane made a beautiful bride, and to her surprise, the Church was filled with people to wish them well. She insisted that her best friend act as her Matron of Honor, and if people thought it strange to have a very pregnant woman take part in a wedding, they were careful to keep it to themselves.

  Sheriff Ned Turner was the proud bridegroom, and other than the blushing bride, he was the only one who knew her bottom was hot and blushing underneath her pretty dress. Matthew was the best man, and the look of love he leveled on his own precious wife gave no doubt as to his devotion to her.

  Much later, Matthew whispered for her ear alone, “I think that preacher should add another clause to those vows.”

  Lori looked at him in surprise but could see his eyes were full of wicked humor. “What clause would that be, Matthew?” she whispered, expecting to hear something outrageous.

  “There should be something about giving your wife a hot bottom, of course,” he leaned down and kissed her, and much to the shock and amusement of those standing close enough to see, he gave her round bottom a hard smack, and was sure she would feel it the rest of the evening as they shared in Ned and MaryJane’s happiness.

  The End

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

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